Event Rules

Oblige “Public” Event Rule

Attendees will be required to acknowledge and accept these rules on the website before any event ticket purchase transaction can be completed. They are posted here for reference purposes and are subject to change.

As used in these rules, venue or Oblige shall mean the space occupied by Oblige Rope Boutique, Oblige Rope Classes, and/or Serene Bodycast. Also, as used in these rules:

• Owners shall mean: Paul and/or Flynn

• Staff shall mean: the above owners, as well as GoldenCourtney and Vxyen

• DM shall mean: the above owners and staff, as well as certain volunteer representatives of Oblige, who will be recognizable as such while they are on shift by glowing arm/wrist/ankle band.

Rules are created for our guests’ safety, and in consideration of those assisting in monitoring the venue. These are non-negotiable. Violations of the below rules may result in your removal from the event, as well as potential future events at the venue.

*18 years of age for entry for our Munch events and our Kink Exploratorium events.

*19 years of age for entry to all other events, including LEAP Classes, Rope Jam events, Performance and Play events, Wicked Weekend events, Weekend workshops, and any Private events.

*All event/class/workshop tickets are pre-sale online only through the website’s event page. You may present your event reminder from your mobile device to check in, but if not, we will have the name used to purchase the ticket on our event list. You must use your legal name to purchase tickets, and provide proof of age and government ID at entry. The name used should match the Government ID you will be using at check in. Pseudonyms may be added at the end of your “Last Name”. Please know that this information is private, secure, and only viewed by the venue owners and staff.

House Rules

*Intolerant behavior is not allowed at any time, including derogatory comments about race, gender identity, sexual orientation, body types, body shaming, kink shaming, and so on. Violation of this rule will result in you being asked to leave. Public ticketed events or private members only events. These behaviors CAN NOT happen here. Please be always considerate of others around you and be respectful with your language.

*Camera and Recording devices are permitted with prior notification of a DM or staff . You may ONLY capture yourself and/or consenting parties in the photo. It is unacceptable to accidentally capture other attendees in the background, even if you do not intend to post the photo with those attendees visible. If you have to blur people out in the background, you broke the rule.

*Attire/Dress Code- Street legal attire outside of the venue, and in the common areas of the building. Inside Oblige, dress as is most comfortable for you.

*When entering and exiting the building and while in the common areas of the building, including public restrooms, please be respectful of the public, the other tenants, and tenants’ guests. Please keep conversations grandma appropriate and voices low. This applies to all hours, day and night.

*Footwear- We ask that guests wear only clean shoes inside the venue. Upon entry, you can either remove your shoes, change into a clean pair of “house shoes”, or use a wipe to thoroughly clean the bottom of your shoes. The office check-in area is an acceptable place to do this.

*No heeled shoes on the mats. They poke holes.

*No Glassware or glass bottles – Fire cups are permitted if staged and used over rubber mats only. This may require more than one mat to cover the area you are playing in.

*Furniture and other items are available for social use and it is the sole responsibility of the user to care for these items. If any item is damaged the user will be responsible for repairs & replacements if necessary. The user understands there may be risk associated with the use of these pieces of furniture and accepts these risks by choosing to use it.

*Fluid loss control is of the utmost concern. Please be considerate. Towels and other various size linens are placed throughout the venue near appropriately sized furniture. Linen hampers are located around the venue, including the restroom. If excessive fluid loss is a possibility, use the blue waterproof pads located near all the linen locations. (the blue side is the bottom)

*Likewise, please ensure you use a towel or appropriate linen as a barrier between your body and the furniture should sensitive parts of your body be exposed to it.

*The loft spaces are limited to a capacity of 10 people per loft.

*Each individual is responsible for their own personal items, supplies, and implements they bring into the venue. We are not responsible for any loss or damage to your private items.

*No! alcohol or drug use. If you appear intoxicated or under the influence of drugs you will be questioned and may be removed from the premises.

*No illegal activity nor solicitation of activities, no trade of money for services.

About Consent and R.A.C.K

*We require following R.A.C.K. guidelines at Oblige: Risk Aware Consensual Kink.

*Please identify your own risk profile before you arrive. Understand your own boundaries and the associated consequences.

*Participants understand that by engaging in activities at Oblige, they are engaging in risky physical behavior and do so at their own risk/awareness/responsibility.

*Permitted activities at Oblige are limited to 100% fully consensual and voluntary activity/engagement only.

*This deserves repeating. Please make sure to receive 100% consent from your partner. All scenes, touch, rope use, or other activities must be negotiated with full, overt consent.

*A person may end any agreed upon activity at any time for any reason.

*This deserves repeating as well. Consent may be revoked at any time.

*Even basic touch requires that you obtain consent.

*If a person says “no”, please accept that and move on.

*The above applies not only to people, but things as well. If a thing does not belong to you, please ask before touching it. If the owner says “no”, accept that answer and move on.

*It is a violation of MCL 750.411h to continue to approach/contact/confront a person if that person requests to be left alone, it is their right.

*Violation of the above consent guidelines will result in a person being removed from the venue. Consent violations are very serious and should always be brought to the attention of the ownership or staff of the venue. They will be addressed.

Play Rules

*Behavior that is not allowed at public Oblige events, negotiated or not, includes: scat play, intentional vomit play, cannibalism, gun play, CNC role play (rape, abduction, torture/interrogation, snuff, etc.), or humiliation/degradation/shame play targeting race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or an individual’s kinks.

*Other types of “edge play” may be prohibited in the space, subject to the DM’s discretion. Some edge play scenes may be declined for various reasons. These types of play are only allowed at Oblige if all parties check in with the DM or staff to discuss the risks and appropriate risk mitigation. This type of play includes: neck rope, needles, cutting, blood play, fire play, or any other types of play that may fall under the classification of “edgy”. Before engaging in any of these types of play, please approach a DM to inform them of your plans to engage in such a scene, confirm your safety plans, and receive affirmation to proceed.

*A safe word is mandatory. RED is the House safe word used at Oblige and equates to an immediate halt of all activities. To make this clearer, if any participant of the scene calls RED, stop what you are doing. Now! Check in with them. Talk about what’s happening and next steps for safety. You may negotiate additional safe words with your partners, but you may not negotiate out of RED being recognized when in the venue.

*In addition, we require that all parties check in with the DM to communicate alternate safe words before any scene where the bottom will be wearing a gag, or where the top will be wearing headphones. If you fail to communicate this to the DM before the start of your scene, expect the DM to gently interrupt your scene to obtain this information once they see the gag and/or headphones being used.

*ANY of the Oblige owners, staff, or DMs have the authority to intervene in a scene, performance, or class demonstration and call "House RED." This means immediately stop what you are doing, get to a safe space within the scene, check in and discuss. Our goal is to ensure consensual safe play at all times within our venue.

*Sanitation of all items is necessary to keep you and others safe. Sanitize/disinfect your mat and furniture, before and after use. Supplies are available in baskets provided by Oblige. Directions are in the baskets. Read them. Follow them. Clean up after yourself.

*Be responsible in your interactions with others. Do not leave the participants in a scene or other activities unattended in a state that they may not be able to care for themselves should they need to.

Wax Play Guideline see https://www.obligerope.org/wax-play

Etiquette Rules

*Pick up after yourself.

*Trash cans are available throughout the venue, including next to the bar and in the office. For real, we are all adults. There are many trash cans. Find one and throw your stuff out.

*Recycle bin is in the café.

*Gray linen hampers are available throughout the venue, as well. Please ensure any used linens are placed in the gray hampers. DO NOT placed used linens, including towels or wash cloths, back in the white cubbies or cleaning baskets.

*Do not place drinks on the floor. There are many tiny tables and side tables all over the place. There is a ledge that runs ¾ of the venue. There is no need to put your drink on the floor and risk spilling it.

*Don't interrupt others that are engaged in an activity (including aftercare) and be respectful of personal space. COVID aside, 6’ is often too close to stand and watch, and it may be dangerous.

*Be considerate of other attendees’ desires to play. Aim to limit each scene to no more than one hour, do not use the same play space for more than one scene back-to-back, and remove your equipment and clean the play station before leaving the station to conduct aftercare. DMs may sometimes be lenient on these items if the atmosphere of the event makes it obvious that there is an abundance of open play space or if prior authorization is obtained.

*Be mindful of walkways. If you are socializing, be aware not to cluster in groups that block other attendees’ ability to move within the venue.

*No drama, if you have a concern, speak with venue staff or the owners.

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