Learn, Explore, Apply & Play
Learn the techniques to perform a variety of rope ties necessary for safe and effective Shibari. Learn about BDSM practices and activities that include a variety of impact skills, consent, negotiations, D/s dynamics etc, utilizing RACK principles.
Explore the physical, aesthetic & psychological connection through rope. Explore the roles and experiences of submissiveness/dominance, top/bottom, the sensations, and your interests
Apply your new skills in a supervised setting.
Engage with others in Play to practice and expand your skill set. Both within the realm of rope and kink
Despite a focus of our LEAP class as a Shibari educational/interactive class, we have presenters on kink, impact skills and psycho-education. View our social media for information on what will be covered in the class for that week and those upcoming.
Every Thursday 6pm-11pm
Shibari/Rope Workshops start with fundamentals at 6:15 (BDSM/Kink Workshops start with social hour at 6:00)
Formal Class 7pm -8:30pm, Open until 11pm
If you can’t join us in-person then check out our LiveStream/Replay Events at www.ObligeRope.org/LEAP-LiveStream