Three Day Floating Bamboo Intensive


With Ropeosaur & IPCookieMonster

Floating Bamboo Series 

March 22nd-24th

We are unbelievably fortunate to have such a robust rope/kink community here in Detroit. Because of that we are able to continue to attract amazing presenters and performers from across the country and the world. Time and time again we are told these intensives are the best way to learn. Every one is unique and special in countless ways and you keep asking us for more. Thank you for your ongoing support and for welcoming these two wonderful humans.

In this three-day advanced intensive weekend you will experience five unique classes, an evening rope jam, an outrageous rope performance, and our signature performance night play party.

Classes and performance featuring Ropeosaur and IPCookieMonster, Rope Jam and Play Party featuring YOU, all hosted @Oblige.

Here is a brief outline

(Full Details on each class below that)

  • Friday Evening

    -Social hour meet and greet

    -Special LEAP Class “Strappados/Armbinders for Suspension”- Public class for up to 70 in-person attendees, including intensive attendees.

    *Livestream of the Special LEAP Class for intensive attendees that can not make it to the in-person class. (Recording will be available after 9:30PM Friday night)

    -Rope Jam Following class until 11

  • Saturday (daytime) -Private for Intensive attendees only

    -Day One: Full day intensive workshop (Limited to 20 tying pairs)

    Morning- “Introduction to floating bamboo and setup” 

    Afternoon- “Restrictive Floating Bamboo” 

  • Saturday (evening) (Public Performance and Play Party)

    -Social hour

    -Ropeosaur & IPCookieMonster Shibari Performance

    -Kinky AF Play Party

  • Sunday (daytime) -Private for Intensive attendees only

    -Day Two: Full day intensive workshop (Limited to 20 tying pairs)

    Morning- “Improving communication in rope” (Bottom Focused Class)

    Afternoon- “Freeform floating bamboo” 

    Cost- $160 per person

See the Full Schedule HERE

Sign Up Information

Weekend Intensive Limited to 20 tying pairs to allow for adequate attention to be given to all attendees.

Pricing is per person. $160 each. To sign up you will need to enter each person’s information separately. This is so we have proper rule acknowledgments and waivers for each person. This intensive is designed for tying pairs.

Bamboo provided for class use only for each tying pair on Saturday/Sunday. To purchase your own 5’x 3”-4"” section of bamboo please contact us Cost is an additional $55 per piece and supply is limited.

Class Details

Friday Night

“Strappados/Armbinders for Suspension: A bottom’s prespective” -by IPCookieMonster with Ropeosaur

Whether you call them armbinders or strappados, this tie-along class will teach you a variety of sexy ways to get someone's arms together into suspendable chest harnesses. (Suspension is NOT a requirement for rope bondage in general or this class)

Saturday Morning

“Introduction to floating bamboo and setup”- by Ropeosaur and IPCookieMonster: They will discuss safety concerns, logistics, motivations, and principles of floating bamboo, particularly for floating bamboo transition sequences. The class will then prepare their bamboos for tying in the afternoon. 

Saturday Afternoon

“Restrictive Floating Bamboo”- by Ropeosaur with IPCookieMonster: In this workshop, we will be building off of traditional hashira tying techniques. We will also be discussing important factors to consider when setting up the Bottom for maintaining a static position when put under dynamic movement in multiple planes. An example from the instructor will be followed by a return demonstration from attendees. Note that attendees do not need to copy, and are in fact encouraged to experiment with alternative positions from the demonstration. Ropeosaur will share tips and tricks smaller tops working with advanced rope techniques and those that deal with chronic pain.

Sunday Morning

“Improving communication in rope” with Ropeosaur and IPCookieMonster: The first section of this class will specifically target rope bottoms to help them improve their ability to communicate in rope. The second section will contain an exercise involving a sadistic partial predicament tie of the tying partners’ choice to apply the skills they learn. And the final section of class will help tops and bottoms think together about strategies to improve their communication with one another in rope.

Sunday Afternoon

“Freeform floating bamboo”- by IPCookieMonster with Ropeosaur: In this style, we’ll play with variations that allow for more conventional rope suspension sequences while also incorporating floating bamboo. This style is more freeform, and allows riggers and bottoms more flexibility in their shapes and sequences, but is also less predictable and involves less restraint. 


Prerequisites: This is an ADVANCED suspension series. All Tops are expected to have efficient upline management skills, and all attendees are expected to have basic knowledge of anatomy for rope bondage, and relevant knowledge of a chest, hip, and leg tie that are sustainable for their Bottom. 

To participate in the rope bottoming exercise, Top’s knowledge of sadistic predicament partials is assumed but not essential. Bottoms are expected to have good body awareness in rope, extensive experience in suspension, and arrive ready to improve their communication skills.

Knowledge of classical hashira principles is recommended but not required.

Caution: Floating bamboo is an extremely high risk activity and is still in it’s early stages of development among rope artists. Please take all safety measures seriously and do not attempt this without the recommended precautions. 

Notes: Tops and Bottoms may switch roles between workshops, but are strongly discouraged from doing so within a single workshop.

We suggest bringing your own snacks, bagged lunch and beverages. Oblige will have snacks and beverages for sale just in case. It is also gets cold in the space durning instruction periods. Consider bringing a blanket to keep yourself warm.

Tickets below are $160 per person. The workshop is designed for tying pairs. Each person needs their own ticket.

Bamboo provided for class use only for each tying pair on Saturday/Sunday. To purchase your own 5’x3” section of bamboo please contact us Cost is an additional $40 per piece and supply is limited.

What you will need for the weekend:
2.5-4 inch diameter bamboo, 5-6 foot lengths (provided by Oblige for use in the workshop available for purchase)

  • Synthetic rope needs: (Oblige will have POSH for sale in the recommended lengths)

  • (2) 20-foot sections  

  • 60-feet in any combo of non-slippery synthetic, smaller lengths fine 

  • (2) 40-foot sections any synthetic for attaching bamboo to hardpoints

  • Your full rope suspension kit of preferred tying material and lengths for suspension (8-10 lengths of your choice plus the above for upline

  • 4 carabiners OR 2 carabiners + 2 rappel rings

  • Swivels can be fun, but are not required. Their use obviously requires more carabiners

  • We have large exercise mats for all tying station with floor chairs and cushions.

  • Wood rings or bamboo are pre-installed at the tying stations. If you prefer your own ring, please show up early to set up as you wish at one of the ring tying stations.

  • Please feel free to bring your own snacks and beverages as well as lunch for Saturday and Sunday. Beverages and snacks will be available for purchase.

  • Dress however you wish or are comfortable for tying/being tied in the space. Outside of the space please dress “street legal” or “grandma appropriate”.

  • Saturday’s Performance and Play Party, dress to impress in whatever kinky attire your heart desires. Feel free to be a little extra. This is the place for it!

  • Street shoes are not allowed in the space. Some attendees bring separate foot coverings/shoes to wear in the space durning classes and party.

  • All sorts of BDSM/Kink play is welcome in the space so feel free to bring such toys and lube (if you’re into that sort of thing)

Near by hotel information available on request

Tickets Below on the Calendar until sold out