Learn Explore Create Connect
Providing an inclusive, safe, risk-aware, educational, and supportive environment
We strive to help all those interested to find their own path and experience with Shibari BDSM and kink
Please visit our About Page HERE
Classes, Events & More. See our complete schedule HERE
Learn. Explore. Apply. Play.
Rope, BDSM and Kink Education. Weekly workshops with time to practices and play after.
Time to practice your Shibari skills, light kink, explore your interest, and find your path in a relaxed setting.
Rope Jam and Play
Performance & Play
A variety of Shibari or BDSM performers will entertain and delight us while surrounded by friends and friends to come.
Socialize, eat, and connect with fellow like-minded people. These are discussion group munches with different lifestyle related topics each month.

Wicked Weekend
Once per month, come enjoy safe, sane, consensual risk aware BDSM play. Themed events each month. Select Saturdays 8pm -1am
Erotic Art
We sell and showcase a variety of erotic stitch, art, and offer plaster body casting. We also welcome artists to share their own art with our community via our Artist Submission
